Client case study: I want to change my job but I’m stuck!

Lucio has a legal background in tax and finance. He’s in his early 30s, lives in London and has been working for the UK’s financial fraud agency for the last 2 years.

He wants to change his job. It’s repetitive and not challenging him. The environment is stiff and heavily bureaucratic. There are no perspectives for growth. He’s not happy about the money either. Now working from home, he’s completely demotivated.

He wants the complete opposite — or as close to it as possible.

Client’s problems according to him:

  1. “I don’t want to go back in the rat race” (e.g. big law or consultancy firms)

  2. he feels under qualified for most positions he likes so he lowers his standards to junior level

  3. he accepted his current job out of pressure because he applied blindly to anything and got very few responses

  4. he thought therapy would help with his anxiety (it didn’t!) and now “I started questioning my decisions even more!”

  5. he’s frustrated, unhappy and afraid to make changes in Corona times…

After the free 1,5h intro session (book yours here), we clarified his goal for our coaching:

I want to make a conscious job change with a plan for the future that will make me happy.

So I created his personalised coaching roadmap:


Initial coaching

In the first 3-5 sessions we explored:

  • his motivation and interest for his work and career so far

  • his beliefs and mindset about work and entrepreneurship in general

  • the pros and cons of these on other areas of his life

  • his other money-making skills and interests

He got perspective and clarity on his current situation. He found contradictions in his past decisions and reasoning. He clarified what he wanted - and didn’t, from his future job.

In parallel we worked on his self-confidence, motivation and the practicalities of job hunting. I asked him to get back in the game and he started applying for 3-5 jobs/week.

But despite a good start he lost motivation…

The real problems

After more inquiry, we discovered what was really holding him back: he was afraid of getting rejected, that he wouldn’t do well enough in an interview and he would accept a position he wasn’t good enough for (impostor syndrome).

So we started digging deeper to find the source of his stories and beliefs. Soon it became clear that Lucio had very low self-esteem beneath his conscious awareness and self-honesty.

He never gave himself any credit for achievements in his academic, career or personal life. He saw his progress as ‘normal’. He never celebrated his successes for real. Compared to others, he never felt good or smart enough — although others saw him as determined, capable and successful.

He had been carrying these ideas since his teenage years and early 20s.

We started doing deeper - and confidential - work to clean the soil (his subconscious beliefs). He had several powerful and deep insights, clicks and ‘aha’ moments.

It’s like I got punched in the stomach and then realised what I’ve been telling myself all these years…

Next we planted new seeds: empowering beliefs and better habits in his self-talk. The ones that worked perfectly for him.

Through future-oriented questioning, guided practices and self-reflection exercises, his self-esteem improved visibly and the conflicting parts of him began to integrate.


After a few more weeks, the anxiety and pressure about changing his job disappeared. His happiness increased and he felt at peace. His motivation and self-confidence returned but for real this time.

He now knows exactly what he wants to do — and doesn’t, in his future job, whatever its title or employer. He truly believed in his ability to learn anything, figure stuff out and have a true growth mindset.

He no longer fears rejection because he is confident in his abilities.

They’re missing out on a smart and ambitious guy. I know I’ll find a good job eventually. I’m not in a rush anymore.

He’s applying to jobs in his own pace. Now we’re working to attract his dream job and create the opportunities for it to happen.

We started working together in October on his goal to make a conscious job change with a plan for the future that will make him happy.

5 months later Lucio is happier, is conscious about his future and intentional about the job change he’s going to make. He knows it’s only a matter of time until he finds the right one. He’s motivated and confident with his job hunting.

More details about my coaching and how I can help you — here.

Book a free 1h intro session — no commitment — to see if we’re a match.


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